A few weeks ago I scored a pair of mid-century homecrest chairs off craigslist. The paint, as you can see, was faded and there was a lot of rust. Thanks to my mother-in-law who suggested I use an old bbq scraper, the flaky paint came right off!
A few quick coats of yellow spray paint later and they became the happiest pair of chairs on the planet! I wanted to get a photograph of them with the cute and very necessary seat cushion all day yesterday, but the weatherman was correct in his prediction of non-stop rain all day. So you’ll just have to pretend these have cute little striped cushions.
These are definitely a sunny way to brighten up my front porch! I hope you have the best Memorial Day weekend…see you back here on Tuesday.
Filed under: Front Porch Makeover, My Home Tagged: DIY, Front Porch, Homecrest Chair, Makeover, my home, Patio Chair